Fendi bag (or bag) is a popular bag among trendy consumers. These types of bags distributed in the permit, and authorized resellers. Many manufacturers have forged the design mimics Fendi bag and sell them on the market. Fendi to produce only limited-edition bags. Authentic Fendi handbags from quality materials and professional workmanship. Before shopping around, you should learn about the functions of a fake Fendi bag.
Original Fendi bag has a serial number. The serial number is located inside the bag. Most counterfeit Fendi bags do not have the serial number. Some Fendi handbags are more than two serial numbers.
You should also check the amount of money Fendi. The handles of this bag made of genuine leather. The fake Fendi bag can be identified with synthetic leather or vinyl.
Counterfeit handbags are crooked seams. You can cancel the crooked stitches from abroad. Bags with twisted stitches do not look and expanded several areas. Actual bag gently by a professional person on board and made straight stitches.
The buckles of Fendi bags are square. If the buckles are another form, it is likely that this is a fake.
The zipper adjusts the color of the bag. The threads in the zip is also normal. If you find that there are missing or uneven stitches, you should avoid buying it.
You can buy Fendi bag by Fendi boutique or shop online shops. Some online stores do not specify whether the Fendi handbags are real. You should avoid to save if you do not give a guarantee for the authenticity of Fendi handbags. Discouraged, online shop, the shop is not reliable. It is best if you only shop with reputable business. You can read to determine whether the bag is sold in a store, really.