So you're a designer who indulges the need for women in their love accessories, especially handbags feels. Women love handbags and shoes, almost more than they love their friends, husbands or children! The beauty of the handbag, you're not the perfect size, in other words, not a diet!
Accessories collections offer some of the largest part of the fashion industry income. Hitting a home run can be the perfect bag means the creation of a post with women worldwide.
What are the principles you need to know to start your own handbag collection?
Like any other fashion category, you need to have a good idea. Research is the key, what is out there right now? Ask yourself where you will sit your bags at your favorite department store? Would not it be in the junior department, or do you see it all done in the finest Italian leather and a neighbor Valentino, Chanel, Gucci and? If you know where you know who and what are your potential competitors, and what they understand to be determined. You will also get a range of prices. The price and appearance are key to targeting that will be your customers. If they have a very young with a smaller budget, or your customers a large discretionary income. The look is your business card, elegant, modern, vintage, bohemian, lady, how do you decide ...... and ensure that your design fits every one you find your goals and audience.
Once your design is based on a narrow audience. You can ask you all know, the fall in the demographic what they need and want, talk to them and let them give you feedback on your design ideas. One could also ask the sales staff in stores, what they easily and what things do not sell their work in general.
At this point, if you have not already done so you can begin to sketch out your ideas. An important thing to understand, the more detail in your designs, the more work that is necessary for their production. If you are in a moderate price point, or are you equip your accessories to a young market, in competition with a large company can be a challenge. Remember that large companies have the necessary resources to do many handbags overseas before they go on the market. Generally, a new designer does not have history or budget to 10,000 bags out of the gate to do!
A good rule of thumb for a new handbag designer with a limited budget means less production run, a watchful eye on costs of materials and no new funds for marketing and sales to do after the tests carried out handbag. Also new designers want to produce a luxury product that has the same requirements.
It is at this point that many people are lost. You have a wonderful, creative ideas, and together have established a coherent collection. How on earth you are a handbag? Granted, a complex tailored jacket has its problems, but everyone can sew clothes .......( visualize believe me, it's a little more complex as well, but it seems easier!)
The first thing is to ensure that your sketches taken measurements. How long it took, how great is the large chamber, the kind of hardware I want to use. How long are the zips where many questions are on the inside. Getting a bit more complicated and scary right? Do not worry ....... You find a bag that is close and use them as reference. Found with the dimensions is a necessity.
Now find a pattern maker. When a comparison with an architect as a designer, developer of the model engineer. A qualified builder model to know if your tape is strong enough, and how it is strong enough so it does not rip off the bottom of the pocket. He or she will cut parts (like a puzzle), which are sewn together to create your test. There is always a good idea, a model builder who receives your sample maker job ........ Lack of communication leads to you is to repeat many and makes a lot of blame on both ends to lead to a mess of a trial and a lot of time and money.
Almost simultaneously with the model builder, you should know what materials to use. The model builder has to know that, again, an engineer know if you are made of wood or concrete. Specifications of materials makes the patterns work smoothly, and they also need to know about your specific hardware. Hardware is just as important, perhaps more important than the use of leather or fabric you. The quality is the decisive factor will be sold at what price your handbags. Hardware is a hard thing to source and is generally done abroad, but there are some places in the U.S. who have high-quality hardware, and there are springs here where you can buy generic zippers, zippers and the like. When sourcing material, ask if you should, you can order more, same with hardware. While you pay retail prices for your sample, this would be your handbags are much competitive in the market. Also note that the timelines you need fabrics and hardware prematurely.
Then you will find a sample maker ......... The key here, they have equipment to do the work and the ability to operate these machines. Leather sewing machines, dies at a time shapes are needed. Ask them for examples ..... something they've seen in the work someone can show you a nice bag of another.
When the materials in the hands of your sample maker, you will begin to find themselves extremely excited. Their sketches take shape at last. Your heart starts beating very fast. Unfortunately, at this point willing to work, trouble is, you can find alternative solutions, and perhaps even small design changes to accommodate the machinery and material constraints. This is normal ... Barriers are a common factor in the design industry. They should be flexible and creative. With good preparation, good materials, a reasonable timeline that allows for breakdowns and professional support in terms of labor costs to complete the first part of your handbag collection. You have something to show samples and sell ...